* Shooting stars game
* http://flashadvanced.com
//importing tween classes
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.Tween;
//hiding the cursor
//creating a new Star instance
var star:Star = new Star();
//creating the timer
var timer:Timer = new Timer(1000);
//we create variables for random X and Y positions
var randomX:Number;
var randomY:Number;
//variable for the alpha tween effect
var tween:Tween;
//we check if a star instance is already added to the stage
var starAdded:Boolean = false;
//we count the points
var points:int = 0;
//adding event handler on mouse move
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, cursorMoveHandler);
//adding event handler to the timer
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerHandler);
//starting the timer
function cursorMoveHandler(e:Event):void{
//sight position matches the mouse position
sight.x = mouseX;
sight.y = mouseY;
function timerHandler(e:TimerEvent):void{
//first we need to remove the star from the stage if already added
//positioning the star on a random position
randomX = Math.random()*500;
randomY = Math.random()*300;
star.x = randomX;
star.y = randomY;
//adding the star to the stage
//changing our boolean value to true
starAdded = true;
//adding a mouse click handler to the star
star.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);
//animating the star's appearance
tween = new Tween(star, "alpha", Strong.easeOut, 0, 1, 3, true);
function clickHandler(e:Event):void{
//when we click/shoot a star we increment the points
points ++;
//showing the result in the text field
points_txt.text = points.toString();
The above script was used for my previous work, and I found that can be used again on one of game for my final project.
Below is shooting star flash game that I found online.
Figure 1. Flash, Flex and ActionScript tutorials - flashadvanced (2009-2011). Creating a small shooting game in AS3. [Image Online] Available from: http://flashadvanced.com/creating-small-shooting-game-as3/ [Accessed 21/03/2013]
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